Ons Radio

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Description: Ons Radio en Ons TV is platvorms wat geskep is om ons mense te motiveer om positief te bly ongeag die omstandighede. Pro... gramme wat ons hier gaan bekendstel is onder andere: Gesels met Gerhard - Eredienste - Ons Radio & TV se hartklop - KopSkuif - Landbou - Dis Tyd.Read more
Name: Ons Radio
Frequency: 97.6 FM
City: Standerton
Broadcast area: South Africa 🇿🇦
Language: Afrikaans
Genre: Pop
Website: onsradio.co.za

Ons Radio is a station radio broadcasting in South Africa 🇿🇦. The headquarters for Ons Radio is located from Standerton. Ons Radio 97.6 FM radio station broadcasts a Pop . The program is broadcast 24 hours per day in the Afrikaans Language.

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